day 22 - shoes
I love shoes, but today's challenge found me packing up camp after a three day stay at the Tanunda Caravan Park, not the sort of place I imagined that I would want to be wearing fancy shoes. Much to my surprise our stay coincided with the Barossa Valley Hot Rod Club 20th Anniversary weekend. And fabulous rockabilly outfits abounded complete with fabulous heels. What a missed opportunity to style up a retro look, rather than my shorts, t-shirt, thongs camp-site ensemble.
I've got my camping shoes on, we'd just finished
packing after enjoying a great weekend with
day 21 - reflection
We enjoyed a relaxing afternoon at Whistler Wines Cellar Door. The weather was hot, but the setting at Whistler is lush and green and surrounded by vines, so we barely noticed the heat. Although I have to confess, that I was much more interested in sampling the lovely, chilled whites, and not quite so interested in tasting the warming reds. The kids enjoyed the cricket pitch and playground and we all had so much fun that we actually forgot to check out the kangaroo enclosure.the lush outdoor area reflected in the windows of the cellar door |
day 20 - someone you love
After carb-loading on schnitzels and chips at the Tanunda Hotel on Thursday night, the room2move team were up bright and early, and ready to challenge ourselves on the Tour Down Under Community Challenge. My daughter and I took part in the 35km challenge. After the previous weekends whinge-a-thon training sessions, I was expecting my ears to burn trying to complete this distance. But this beautiful girl who I love so very much surprised and astounded me with her determination and positivity. She did not whinge once and whilst we took the escape option and avoided Mengler's Hill King of the Mountain it was an amazing effort and I am so proud of her.
I was so proud of my girl after she completed the Tour Down Under Community Challenge 35km ride |
day 19 - sweet
After reading Sarah Wilson's blog I began to wonder whether my family and I should be eating sugar. Sarah had reviewed David Gillespe's book, 'Sweet Poison', and the points she drew from it really resonated with me. So much so that I went out and bought the book and I quit sugar.
a mango is about as sweet as it gets for me
day 18 - something you bought
I worked on day 18, and didn't buy anything. I was wondering how to complete the days challenge, when it came to me. I was going out for dinner with girlfriends. Perfect!
day 17 - water
I was wishing to be on holidays at the beach, or at the pool for the water challenge. Instead I was at work. On the plus side it was a stinking hot day, so it was nice to be in an air-conditioned office drinking lots of water.keeping my fluids up at work |
day 16 - morning
Quick snaps amongst the morning rush, I'm starting to get the hang of the PicFrame app for Instagram here.
dishes done, rode to work, coffee drunk, tea drunk, it must be lunch time! |
day 15 - happiness
Happiness day was on a gorgeous Sunday. I went for a bike ride with my girl, and had time in the evening to enjoy the beautiful view from our back garden while I wrote in my journal and enjoyed a crisp glass of something refreshing. Happiness is having a happy and healthy family and beautiful friends.
my happiness image for day 15
the image I should have chosen!
day 14 - something you're reading
I'm not actually reading anything at the moment, so I went with (clockwise from top-left):
a cheapy cook-book
a book a friend has lent me, but I haven't actually started yet
a book I am always referring back to
& a book Santa left at work for me after he heard that I don't like using public toilets!
(although I should have taken a photo of my iPad, which I am always reading)
day 13 - in your bag
I can't believe that I carry all this stuff around!
day 12 - close-up
Up close in the garden.
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it was tricky finding a view without weeds! |
day 11 - where you sleep
I was too embarrassed to show our un-pinterest worthy bedroom, so interpreted the challenge to be the view from where I sleep (which is much more beautiful than where I sleep!)
lucky we have a nice view |
day 10 - childhood
Christmas day in about 1975, opening presents with my sister. Looks like I was more interested in my new truck than having my photo taken. My sister on the other hand was all about looking cute for the camera.
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clearly this was not taken by me! credit goes to either Mum or Dad |
I have set myself the goal to complete project365 this year. To complete this I need to take a photo everyday this year. Since I was not the photographer for day 10's photo, I have also included a photo that I did take on day 10. I was channeling inspiration from our gorgeous beautiful angel range at work.
beautiful angel inspiration from Intrinsic |
day 9 - daily routine
I was back to work on day 9 after a lovely 2 week Christmas and New Years holiday. So it was back to the routine of get home, cook dinner, organise bath time and bedtime (and aim to be a little earlier than it had been when we were on holidays and enjoying lovely sleep-ins). I'm a little embarrassed to confess that I've actually forgotten what this dinner turned out to be.
something with lots of veggies |
day 8 - your sky
The last day of my holidays was disappointingly rainy, although the clouds were kind enough to clear for this photo peeking through the trees. The rain was kind of good for the garden. After being away for 10 days including some stinking hot 40º days, we arrived home to realise we had forgotten to set the sprinkler system going. Oops. Poor garden.
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my sky full of trees and clouds |
day 7 - favourite
My husband gave me this for my birthday a few years ago. I love it. My favourite weekend mornings are flicking through my favourite blogs on flipboard on my iPad and drinking coffee that my lovely husband makes for me. hmmmm so happy....
my favourite birthday present. ever. |
day 6 - makes me smile
These two always make me feel happy, especially when they are playing and being silly. It makes me smile to think how lucky I am to have them in my world.
my gorgeous people |
day 5 - something you wore
I kicked off the challenge on day 5. It seemed kind of tricky at first. We had just got back from our holiday at Pt Vincent, and I was having to unpack, and tidy the debris from Christmas morning. We left for Pt Vincent straight after we opened our presents, so there was stuff everywhere. I spotted this nail polish as I was tidying up and knew that what I was wearing on my toes was how to kick off the January photo-a-day challenge. It was a great confidence booster as I had two people I don't know comment on my photo on Instagram!
Rimmel Double Decker Red |
This is my catch up picture from day 1. I discovered that our bathroom mirror has beautiful morning light and lovely plain white walls to take my self-portrait.
me! |
FANTASTIC pix and stories Sandra - love the clever name of the blog too - keep it up! And keep up the reminders on F/Book too, so I can remember to stop by and admire your keen eye. cheers pk!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your encouragement pk, you were definitely part of the motivation team for me to put my photos out on display x