Friday, February 10, 2012

day 39 - sun (or feb day 8)

February has been doing some very poor work weather wise. And I will preface this by saying that I am so grateful to not be sweltering through the usual +35ºC heatwave that normally kicks in as school goes back, but it would be nice to see a little sunshine.

Today's photo challenge was sun and I did not see any sun on this day *sad face* so, I decided to make my own sun! While Miss M was doing her homework, I found some joss paper that we'd bought for an old craft project and I cut and pasted my own sun. Of course my girl was inspired by this and had to get in on the act too. It finished up being a pretty fun to do. And a good reminder that I should get the craft stuff out more often.

Have you had something that seemed bad turn out to be good?

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